SSA STAR Care Agency is a Domiciliary Care Agency that offers individualized pathways of progressive care and support to people from their initial placements in hospitals, care homes or other settings by successfully reintegrating them into communities by providing holistic integrated supported living service.
SSA STAR Care provides domiciliary care and support to service users from all groups and communities where we work together with the service users and their family members to develop a personalized support plan that meets their daily needs in order to enhance their quality of life in their own homes. We are also specialized in providing personal care and associated domestic care to the communities’ residing in the boroughs of Greater London.
SSA STAR Care is committed to providing a high quality, reliable support service tailored to suit each of our service user’s individual needs, promoting independence, maintaining privacy and dignity and choice throughout the community.
We believe that each individual service user is a unique social being, who has dignity and worth. Although requiring such acts of assistance due to their frailty or ill health, assistance should only be provided in a climate and manner which allows them to retain their self-respect, individuality, privacy and independence enabling them to live to their maximum physical and mental potential. We assure every service user that they have free choice in the level of service and the assistance that they require, which will be reflected in their personal plan of care.